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Thursday, August 15, 2013

LTD (Little Taupe Dress. Obviously.)

Wow! The support and encouragement we've received over the past couple days has been really amazing. Thank you to everyone who has been so kind about our little project. 

And with that, we are excited to give to you our first actual style post!

Forever 21 dress, Nine West heels, Adrienne Vittadini purse, Winners cardigan 
This is a dress I borrow constantly from my mom. It's such a pretty dress, and I love how my mom keeps it toned down with all neutrals. We love our neutrals, that's for sure. (Sometimes a little too much, actually. I occasionally have to remind myself that I'm 19 and it's okay to wear colour. But I digress.) 

She paired this look with stacked but delicate jewelry and loose wavy hair. (I am constantly suffering from blonde hair-envy.)
And then there's me:
Steve Madden boots, Urban Outfitters sunglasses, H&M necklace
I am obsessed with this necklace that I got from H&M for like 8 bucks. I could be wearing the most boring t-shirt, and then I put it on and it's like boom, I put effort into my appearance! Woo!
And I think it goes without saying that black combat boots are simply a necessity. 

A huge thank you to Sarah Dykes for taking these photos! Check out her blog: 

See ya!


  1. no hair envy required Taylor = stunner!

  2. You ladies look amazing!
    So much fun to shoot with. :)



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A style blog run by a mom and a daughter who share clothes and experiences.